Sadie Calvano

Sadie Calvano was born April 8th of 1997 located in Los Angeles California USA. As you would expect from her Italian heritage because Steven Calvano has Italian Basque Irish heritage. Sadie Calvano's mom is Aimee who is Jewish heritage. Sadie is the sole child. Sadie was born into an unrelated family with only one child. Although she is an actress who is relatively young who has appeared involved in a variety of TV and film series. It was clear that acting was within her DNA since she was in musicals as early as seven years old! Sadie had a full time career in athletic gymnastics in competition. In July 2009, she won the Gold Medal at the California State Games held in San Diego. She eventually stopped her gymnastics program after she reached 13 years old because acting became her primary focus, and she focused her attention on films and television shows. Sadie is set to turn 27 in 2024.

Sadie Sadie Sadie Samantha Samantha


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